Renowned expert praises ancient formula that equalizes blood sugar:
Diabetes is a terrifying epidemic in the United States. For adults, it is the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, and amputation, not to mention a major contributor to heart disease. Read more….
Surprising Rise in Pollution-Major Threat to Breathing:
Not too many years ago, it used to be primarily smokers whose lungs were at risk. Today, whether or not you smoke, your lungs are in serious peril simply because you breathe. Without knowing it, most people, daily inhale many of the dangerous toxins also found in cigarettes.Read More….
Dr. Jerald Bain of Kings Health Center in Toronto, Canada, estimates that some 50% of men over 50-an epidemic proportion-suffer from sexual difficulties. Click here for more information…
How a Nashville "Blues Brothers" performer rejuvenated himself:
After retiring, Tommy Van Atta was shocked to find that he had "hit a wall." He experienced the physical and emotional letdowns that befall many men when they close the door on their careers and open that unfamiliar door to the rest of their lives. Read more…
What to Do When a Prostate Test Reveals Problems:
Frequently racing to the bathroom in the middle of the night and urinating with a weak or intermittent stream are common examples of the annoying and uncomfortable consequences of prostate problems. Being unable to empty one's bladder completely, another aspect of this men's health issue, also is very frustrating. Read more…